Art, Pain and Television. Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I have now officially listed something for sale on my 7printciples site. Several somethings, in fact. Please go check them out?

My back/hip pain has flared up with a vengeance. After telling Amber about it, she told me she has the same thing, that it's probably my sciatic nerve being pinched. Ow. She recommended a couple of stretches, so hopefully they will help.

Rob and I discovered 30 Rock this week. It is, to be honest, one of the most hilarious, intelligent shows I've ever seen. I would put it up there with Arrested Development and Freaks and Geeks. AND it wasn't canceled prematurely, as the aforementioned were. Really what it comes down to is that I have a giant girl-crush on Tina Fey (doesn't everyone?).

Also, I'm a little ashamed to admit that I've been following Paris Hilton's My New BFF. We finally watched the finale (a week late). I'm glad Brittany won, fer sher.