Your name just got a whole lot cooler. Friday, December 12, 2008

I found this picture on the internet and I can't stop looking at it.
There are two recipes I've found in the last 2 days on the internet that have turned out very successfully.

1) Mexican Marinade: I marinated some chicken for chicken enchiladas. The whole situation was delicious.

2) Eggnog: I will trust anything that Alton Brown says. If he told me his favorite flavor combination was kiwi-strawberry-cappuccino, I would try it. That's how much I trust him. But instead of using bourbon like he suggested, I used Sailor Jerry's like Jeffrey Morgenthaler suggests. It turned out deliciously. I am pleased.

Thanks to the eggnog and some wine I poured while I was making the eggnog, I am now drunk. I'm not sure whether or not you can tell.