Hot damn! Monday, August 25, 2008

We moved on Saturday. We shuttled three people's worth of crap from Vancouver to Beaverton, with the help of 5 others and a U-Haul. Now Rob, Rachelle and I are official residents of a brand new apartment complex, along with our new roommate, Teresa. HOORAY!

So we moved Saturday, Sunday morning I went out in search of coffee and found a help wanted sign, this morning I inquired about said help wanted sign, filled out an application, was granted an immediate interview, and was hired on the spot. I start Thursday at My Favorite Muffin. More details on the job as they come. HOORAY!

Now Rob and I are at McMenamins for the third day in a row, using their internet and eating a happy hour hummus plate. Life is very, very good.

Where'd my towel go? Friday, August 22, 2008

Willamette Weekly reports that Portland sci-fi nerds are petitioning to rename 42nd Ave on the east side of the river, Douglas Adams Blvd. I am in full support.

Also, xkcd today is eerily appropriate, seeing that it's moving weekend for us:


Announcements. Thursday, August 21, 2008

I have a nephew! My first! Joaquin Flores, born tonight, August 21st, at 6:30pm.

I quit my job! My last day is tomorrow. I am pleased. Now I need to find another one in Beaverton.

Life is exciting. We're gearing up for moving on Saturday. We haven't packed much. You know how it goes.

I'm not very good at blogging lately, I don't think. Maybe once I'm not working all day, I'll have energy to craft and blog and bake and... everything else I don't do right now.

Whatever, here are some pictures of my nieces and my sweetie, taken last weekend in Nevada. (There for Dave's birthday)

Also, we saw THE OBAMA-MOBILE. Effing sweet!


Look at my sexy facial hair, oh man hot damn it's everywhere! Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First of all, I would like to make the observation that many others have: John McCain is dumb. Did you really think you could get away with using Paris Hilton's face in your commercial (insinuating that Obama is a celebrity the likes of Britney Spears and the aforementioned Hilton) without getting some flack? Like... perhaps from her parents? Who donated money to your campaign? (insert golf claps here). Luckily, Paris Hilton is a clever lady and responded with an ad of her own.

McCain's ad:

Hilton's response (hope you don't mind the new image for the White House)

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

I have been a little camera shy lately. That is, I've been a little shy about using my camera. Not sure why, just haven't been taking many pictures. But Sunday after Farmer's Market I really had to bring it out to document my gratitude for the summer bounty of Pacific Northwest farms.

I spent 15 minutes at Farmer's Market (due to arriving at 2:45 and the market closing at 3:00). I came with a $20 bill in my pocket. I left with change in my pocket and all the above in my bag. That's 3 zucchinis, 1 red bell pepper, 2 heads of broccoli, 1 yellow squash, 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 head of lettuce, 4 heirloom tomatoes, 3 ears of corn, a bunch of basil, and a container of marionberries. Wow. I love the world.

That would cost upwards of $40 at Whole Foods, and half of it would be organic, but imported from New Zealand. And honestly, what's the point of farming organic if you're going to transport it half way around the world? Seriously. Babysteps, people, that's my philosophy. Start by eating local, and do what you can from there. I use the lovely Elona's rule of trying to eat food from no further than 1 state away. It's working pretty well, but I'm not giving up coffee any time soon, and there's some packaged food we're still getting, too. But really, we eat so little packaged food compared to the amount of fresh we eat that I feel ok for now about it.

The new hippie-rific goal is to try not to eat food that has corn in it that obviously shouldn't. What is corn doing in my soda? Or my ice cream? Gross, people. I feel like it shouldn't have corn in it unless it's corn flavored. And I really don't want corn soda. But if you do, I won't judge you, I promise.

I haven't really been listening to music lately, since I listen to NPR basically solidly from 8 to 5. My iPod sits for days at a time, battery dead, music tired and listened to too many times. Sometimes I turn on the radio to another station (but only if there's a repeat broadcast on NPR), but basically it's just news. This trend is partially because listening to constantly changing and updating news all day is way more interesting than music most of the time, and also because I'm bored of my music. So I got more! Rob and I went to Everyday Music last week and together got 4 CDs. New music of mine:
  • Old 97's Blame It On Gravity (Choice track: No Baby I) (Thank you, Terri Gross, for introducing me to the lead singer, Rhett Miller, on Fresh Air)
  • The Long Winters Putting the Days to Bed (Choice track: Pushover)
  • The Builders and the Butchers (Choice track: Black Dresses)
  • Natalie Portman's Shaved Head (Choice track: Me + Yr Daughter)

And now for your moment of zen:

(courtesy of Rob, who left that picture on my camera)

Bonus moment of zen: Rob also just pointed out that Obama went to school from 1975 to 1979. Try to imagine our hopeful future president with an afro, bellbottoms, doing the hustle. DO IT.