The ground is so proud just to hold us up. Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wow, where have I been the last several weeks?

Well, there was preparation for con, and then there was con. And then there was recovery from con.

I didn't talk so much about con because I wasn't extremely involved in the planning. I was the site coordinator, which really just involved securing the reservation and talking to Yaney, the Corvallis church's secretary. Yes, we had a con at the Corvallis church, which is why I am site coordinator. I was also t-shirt bitch, as per usual (or bandana bitch, as the case may be) and the chaplain. The two weeks before con were mostly filled with bandana-ing: Cutting the bandanas to size, ironing, sewing the edges, designing the logo, learning the art of photo-emulsion, making the screen (three times), learning how to screen print, doing the actual screen printing, and finally heat treating the finished product. And now I know how to screen print, from beginning to end! The other thing I really got into the week before con was starting to plan a con-planning bible that thoroughly explains the process from beginning to end, contains con resources, and has stats on the last several cons. The youth have something like it, the YAs don't.

At con was interesting. It made me pleased as punch that everyone loved my home church so much, that's one thing I can say. I met some really wonderful people, saw some really amazing things happening, and felt the love of a wonderful community. But it turns out that being the site coordinator ended up entailing a lot more than I thought it would, and I wasn't able to chaplain as well or as much as I would have liked. I also didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked.

All in all, the weekend was a very positive experience. The biggest thing to come out of the conference was the decision to split from the district as an organization. During the planning we were advised by Tandi, the district program consultant, to not go through the district this con, and it was actually a pretty painless process. Considering the district hoops we didn't have to jump through this time, and the stress we didn't put on the district during the planning, I'd say it was a positive experience for everyone involved. During the con we had a business meeting that started with a video conference with Tandi so that she could answer questions. We took a vote on an official split from the district and it was unanimously approved by everyone at the meeting. Then we voted on interim position for the new organization (PNW UU Young Adults). PJ was voted treasurer (duh) and I was voted Con Coordinator (so basically I'm doing what I was already doing, I just have a title now). Sweetawesome! Once we had positions we got staff figured out for the next con. We already have the ENTIRE STAFF figured out SIX MONTHS OUT. Wow. Effing sweet.

Then we came home and then some con people joined us and then they left and then more con people came and now I think home is back to normal for now.

And then I caught up on sleep and I'm now finally resuming my normal life. I cleaned today, am going to see a capella later tonight. And then there's all this con coordinator hoo-ha to figure out.

Sigh, life is good.

Conconconconcon Friday, April 24, 2009

Holy crap con is today!

I haven't been posting much. I promise I will try harder.

Cheese, Gromit! Friday, April 17, 2009

I found the first 3 Wallace & Gromit movies at Goodwill. For a dollar.

Life. Is. Awesome.

New obsession. Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"At, we play a lot of great music -- popular, indie, alternative, artists from Portland and the Northwest and more -- much of which you won't hear anywhere else."

It's just what I always wanted! I just can't believe I've been hearing about it since I've been listening to public radio, and I just TODAY checked it out. Another reason why I'm dumb..

Today was productive.
1. Took sick Rob to school so he didn't have to stand in the cold to wait for the bus just to take a test.
2. Gardened for 3 or so hours.
3. Baked bread (two too-squishy loaves that I fear are underdone...)
4. Discovery of obpmusic
5. Tutored for an hour

And now I'm going to make Pad Thai! And listen to a radio station with no commercials, made up of solely music I like... weird.

It was you who taught me how to write these kind of equations Friday, April 3, 2009

One more amazing album:
All Hail West Texas - the Mountain Goats

So. Amazing. I don't know how I haven't given it a chance before, as an entire album. Jeezie. Easily my favorite 'Goats album now.

I have come to the realization that I can no longer be unemployed by choice. I owe too much on my student loans, and I'm not getting enough tutoring hours. I would have to tutor at least 10 or 11 hours/week to really be enough. And right now I'm working 2-3. Sigh. I need to be more aggressive with my advertising, make some business cards... sigh. Anyways, I've joined the ranks looking for a "real" job. I applied at the JoAnn's in Cedar Hills, but I didn't have enough experience for the position (it was a management job). I also applied to a couple area McMenamins, pub staff and line cook positions. We'll see what happens. Because I'm actively seeking work, I'm going to try applying for unemployment again.


I altered a Cosby sweater I got at Goodwill. It didn't used to have a zipper. I like it way better now, and want to make a few more and try to sell them on Etsy.

And my craft table is an absolute mess right now. I am going to clean it up as soon as I'm done writing this.

Old songs from nowhere Thursday, April 2, 2009

This picture makes me absolutely, stupidly happy. (JD+JV=<3)
John Darnielle and John Vanderslice are on tour together right now (not coming anywhere close to Oregon, grumble grumble) and I just heard news today that they're putting out an album together, under the name of the Comedians. The album is called Moon Colony Bloodbath and I'm going to pee myself if I don't get a copy.

And JV has a new album, Romanian Names, coming out in May, around the time he's coming to Portland.

In other music news, I'm really enjoying these two albums:
How It Ends - DeVotchKa
We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. - Jason Mraz
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
the Funeral - Arcade Fire

(the last two are more rediscovery than anything else)

Other life news:
  • I'm taking a class at PCC! It's in printmaking! It's about a printmaking medium I've never done before! Copper plate printing. The tools I had to buy for the class could do some serious damage in the wrong hands. The class meets twice a week for 3 hours, and the instructor seems pretty swell.
  • I'm helping a guy in Sellwood start a permaculture urban farm on his property and it's really quite exciting! We've met once, and there's another work party tomorrow at 9am.
  • I put up ads on CL advertising tutoring and garden help, only got one response to the tutoring ad, and no responses to the offer of garden help.
  • Con is drawing near and I'm starting to panic just a little bit. I need to get my butt in gear as far as con clothing goes. We're just offering bandanas this time, but Elo and I want to make them by hand. Con is April 24th-26th. WHOA!
  • I'm crocheting a sweet hat, using lace crochet. It's gonna be bitchin.
  • Rob and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on March 31st! We went to Montage, got delicious foods and a bottle of wine, and shared the gooey butter cake for dessert (I tried to describe it to Rob before we ordered it - "It's like someone took cake batter and made it into a cake... but didn't bake it" - and we decided as we were eating it that that's pretty much a spot-on description). And then yesterday I made 2 year celebration pie: Peach/blackberry with a lattice crust. I've made better, but it's pretty delicious.
  • Our old roommate, Tess, has moved out, and our lovely friend LeAnn has moved in with us! The four of us have all been friends for a long time, so I think it will work out really well. She has a cat, Mango, who has been getting along ok with Cubby so far.
Ok, time to get ready for class.