Goodbye, February! Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscars were last night! We didn't actually watch them, but I watched clips this morning. Two very important ones I wanted to share:

Firstly, the musical is back! I have been a fan of musicals for as long as I can remember, and while I didn't see High School Musical, Mama Mia, or Cadillac Records (the three big, recent musicals that have been in theaters) that doesn't mean I won't. (Well... I'm not making any promises about the first). Baz Luhrmann helped make this number possible, bringing in elements of both old and recent musicals. And it's total genius and I love it.

Second, Dustin Lance Black won best screenplay for Milk. His acceptance speech was so beautiful and heartfelt, and I'm so glad the audience responded the way they did. Also, Tina Fey and Steve Martin introduced the award and I fell a little more in love with both of them.

Now that that's out of my system...

Wow. The month of February has been good to me, but it's left me here as a bruised, exhausted lump with a messy apartment. And it's not even over yet! Oh god! Let's do a quick rundown, shall we?

First weekend in February was spent in San Fransisco, on this most bizarre debacle of a vacation I've ever been on. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but I would have preferred less injury and sickness to all of the friends and relatives we were going to visit, and to my car.

Second weekend was Chaplain Training in Vancouver, BC. I had fun, I made some new friends, I sure as hell didn't get enough sleep. And now I am one of the only YA in the PNWD who regularly attends cons, who's had chaplain training, so that's bitchin, too.

This last weekend was AGM - the Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Northwest District. Rob and I were there selling my cards and prints and the experience was so positive! A lot of people (even ones I didn't know!) bought my cards! I made a ton of new connections and a few friends, and saw people I really wasn't expecting to see. And we got to hang out with Amber all weekend, and that's always a good time.

And now I'm back. Pretty much for good, this time... (at least for now). I have so much unpacking, cleaning and organizing to do in the next little while.