Hail Satan! (I haven't had a Mountain Goats post in ages!) Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I don't know what started the Mountain Goat's fixation with satanism, (first their album, Heretic Pride, then their new EP, The Satanic Messiah), but it's hilarious and they need to keep it up. If it's not a joke, then more power to them. I am a proud heretic, myself!

So this week totally snuck up on me. This is an events week. On Monday Rob and I went to see Ralph Nader speak at the Baghdad on Hawthorn. I have to say, I wasn't really that impressed. I totally dig his politics, but his attitude leaves a lot to be desired. He could take a cue or two from Dennis Kucinich, who shares a majority of his ideals, but knows how to play the game. Nader is running on this platform of "both candidates will do terrible, terrible things for our country and only I and the green party know what we really need. And yes, I actually have a chance of winning, although my policies are miles to the left of the democratic candidate". Don't you understand? If Obama endorsed gay marraige, or actively said "no more war in the middle east. PERIOD." He would have no chance of winning? Kucinich recognizes that his politics are more liberal than most of the country and uses the Democratic primaries to get his face, his message, and his platform out there. He is an amazing man with amazing ideals and I admire him.

Nader has popularity in Portland, I can't deny that. Nader has done a lot of amazing things for our country, and there's no way I can deny that either. But he is bitter and jaded and wants to fix a flawed system without participating in the system at all. I agree that our political system is fucked up. Obama's policies HAVE become more conservative has the race has gone on, and I'm disappointed in him for that. But when he and McCain are the only two plausible choices we've got, what do you really want me to do, Nader?

Whatever. I'm not a political analyst and that whole tirade just came out of my butt. Nader will continue doing what he's done for the past 20 years and who am I to take away an honest man's hope?

Moving on. Last night (Tuesday) was what really snuck up on me. THE MOUNTAIN GOATS. What? How did it become late October already? I don't even know. I blame the muffins. This was an all-ages show at the Wonder, and since the show in Eugene last year was so awful, I was a little wary about another all-ages show. Not to say that I wasn't excited, because I'm excited for any chance to see the Goats, just wary.

Their tour-mate(?) and opener was the singer-guitar-virtuoso Kaki King. Tiny. Amazing. Adorable. Those are three good adjectives to describe her. Her set was really good, a little more instrumental than I usually like. I was annoyed at the audience, especially those in the bar, who were loud and talky, even during her quiet songs. I would like to hear more Kaki, I think.

Next up came the Mountain Goats portion. A-Fucking-Mazing. Someone on the Mountain Goats forums put it this way: "After all we've been through, you're this happy to have me back? Fuck it! Here's every barn burner you want and we're turning it up to 11." Just about every hit that gets yelled out at their concerts was played. Some just on the setlist, some in response to yelled out requests. Some I'd expect to hear: Palmcorder Yajna, Dance Music, This Year; some I was surprised that he played: No Children, Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton, Going to Georgia. The set was nicely broken up by a solo set in the middle (including some not-to-be-named songs I didn't know JD was capable of singing when not slobbering drunk), and a few songs by JD and Kaki, including a Morrissey cover. Five song encore to end the night.

JD was happy, engaging, hilarious, Peter Hughes was spot-on, dapper, a handsome devil, and Wurster was energetic and happy, as always. Such a perfect show.

And that's not even the end of it. As we left the venue, right by the tour bus, was JD himself, giving hugs and signing autographs. We got hugs! From JD! And he signed Rob's copy of the Satanic Messiah (the second to last copy EVAR).

This week isn't even over yet. Saturday we're going to see Conor Oberst (Lead singer/etc of Bright Eyes) at the Crystal Ballroom. Wheee!

Today I'm taking a sick day, partially because we didn't get home until 1:30 am, when I thought we'd be home before midnight, partially because I'm feeling a little under the weather and Rob's feeling way under the weather and needs taking care of. So here we are at 1:30 pm, watching Four Wedding and a Funeral on On Demand. I'm going to make soup a little later and enjoy this lazy day. Mmm.

edit: I think I really need to mention how the Mountain Goats took the stage after Kaki King, as it was priceless. After's Kaki's set was over and the stage had been re-set, the lights went down, the disco ball started glimmering, and "December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night)" could be heard softly from the speakers. As the music crescendoed, from behind the curtains came first Peter Hughes, strutting his well-dressed, pin-stripe-suited self. Next was John Wurster, also be-suited, carrying a beer and smiling jauntily. Last was John Darnielle, smiling his usual Portland smile, wearing a suit jacket plastered with death metal band patches.