Obligatory "it's almost Christmas!" post Monday, December 15, 2008

We've been getting ready for Christmas! On December 1st we went on a pilgrimage to every store we could think of to get a chocolate advent calendar and there were NONE TO BE FOUND. So we made our own! Out of 156 sheets of origami paper! And it's reusable!! It only took us a week to finish, so whatever. Each box has two Dove chocolates in it, but could definitely hold more.

This last Saturday night we went on a hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. We didn't want something big, and we didn't really want something cut that would require a water bowl Cubby might mistake for his own. We found potted trees at Trader Joe's and Freddie's (and incidentally found 50 cent chocolate advent calendar's at Trader Joe's, as well) but the trees at TJ's were about $5 cheaper. So we bought a bunch of tiny ornaments on clearance at Freddie's (including a very tiny glass angel for the top) and used those, with a strand of lights from my old dorm room and a couple mardi gras beads Rob got in Mississippi last year, to decorate our very own 'little tree'.
See? We even took a Christmas card picture! Too bad Cubby kind of looks like basement cat...

And then it got really cold Saturday night, snowed a bunch, then froze. So here we are Monday afternoon with my work cancelled and Rob's flights cancelled, frozen into our apartment that's too expensive to keep heated all the time.

Sunday afternoon

Sunday evening

Sunday evening

Monday afternoon

We decided that since our apartment is expensive to heat, maybe just being fat, happy and drunk is, if not smarter, at least more fun.

I like to call this picture "Still Life With Gluttony" feat. 3 Buck Chuck, Hot Buttered Sailor Jerry's, and snickerdoodles I made last night. Yum.