I wish the real world would just stop hasseling me Thursday, April 10, 2008

Here are some pictures that illustrate life right now:

These are the math girls - Me, Lauren, Jacque and Kelsey. We spend a lot of time together... doing math. Lauren, Jacque and I are in voting together, Kelsey and I are in complex, and Lauren, Jacque and Kelsey are in combinatorics. Whee math!

Jacque got a wiener dog puppy that's about the size of the burrito I ate last night.

This picture illustrates everything that is new and exciting about my life at this very minute: dyed hair, stretching earlobes, and CONga Line t-shirt.

CONga Line. TOMORROW. Wtf how is it already the middle of April? There have been a few bumps in this last week of planning, but it looks like things are finally going smoothly again. Phew.

Also, I "graduate" a month from tomorrow. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN I THOUGHT LAST WEEK I WAS A FRESHMAN. Next up: 2 summer classes... then real world.