And I feel so proud to be alive Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Current favorite things ever in the entire world: Dill spears and Heretic Pride

Life is good, but I can tell I'm getting a little burned out. But in a way, it's kind of good. I don't spend a lot of time just lazing around, not doing anything. And the times I do do that (last night, for example), I relish it.

Yesterday was the day from hell-o. I was up late on Sunday night finishing my grading (after a weekend of not getting much sleep, due to somewhat copious amounts of alcohol, et al, and study groups that met at 10:30 am both Saturday and Sunday morning). I woke up Monday in a sort of a haze. I went to CS, completely unable to focus - I was tired and the professor has a tendency to shout loudly about his opinions while at the same time asking us to program something. In the gap between CS and Voting Theory I talked to Liz because I couldn't see any hope of getting my Complex hw done by 5. Voting Theory made me want to punch a kitten in the face. Complex was the bright spot in my afternoon. I worked furiously on Complex homework between Complex and German and realized that I could definitely get it done by 5, as long as I left German exactly at 4:30 and hightailed it back to the math dept.

German was fine, besides the fact that we had projects due that the prof wanted us to present... so she left 10 minutes at the end of class for presentations. Needless to say I had to leave before everyone had finished, and I just left feeling really annoyed at the prof.

The night was better. I went over to Rob's, we made double-decker tacos, watched some arrested development, made poopcorn, watched Best In Show, and then went to bed early. AND DID ABSOLUTELY NO HOMEWORK. It was beautiful.

Too bad the rest of this week is going to be busy.

I leave you with videos of Section Line Drive singing Saturday night at Manzanita Music Night in the Co-op.

Fast Car
