Loose lips may sink ships, but loose kisses take trips! Friday, February 15, 2008

My apartment mates and I have a two-week long tradition of keeping the current Willamette Week in the bathroom. It's not as cool as the issues of Vice Chloe used to keep in there last year, but it'll do. Anyways. I was just in there, you know, doin' my poopin' thing, when I noticed an ad at the bottom of the page that was advertising that Kimya Dawson is giving a free show at Music Millennium on Saturday.

OMFG (that's "Oh-My-Fucking-God", dear parents) this week just keeps getting better.

We were already planning on making Saturday a downtown day, since we haven't just hung out downtown during the day since summer and I need more soap from that stall I love so much at Saturday Market. And while we're downtown, we might as well skip on over to Music Millennium to see Kimya Dawson play a live, free performance. Holy poop.

Free Kimya show + 2 Mountain Goats shows the week after next = this February is the best music month of my life, to date.

Rob and I went to Saburo's Sushi in Sellwood tonight for Valentine's Day. We both ate approximately Rob's weight in sushi, and somehow still both left with boxes containing at least 2 meals worth of sushi. And payed less than $40 for the whole she-bang. It was absolutely RIDICULOUS.